12/1: 10am First Sunday in Advent – Children will help light the Advent Wreath
Hanging of the Greens, after worship
12/7: 4pm Middlebury Tree Lighting on the Green- MCC providing hot chocolate and selling candles and friendship soup; Cherub Choir is singing
5pm Christmas Carol Sing in the Sanctuary
12/8: 10am Second Sunday of Advent
11:30am Angels of Advent & Christmas: Advent Discussion Group
4pm: MCC Caroling- Meet at the church at 4pm for route distribution, carpooling, and info on the post caroling party
12/14: 9am Christmas Pageant Rehearsal: Sanctuary
6pm: Christmas Movie Night
12/15: 10am MCC Christmas Pageant
12/21: 7pm Longest Night Service- A service of hope in midst of a season that can be stressful, bittersweet, and make us miss people dear to us.
12/22: 10am Fourth Sunday of Advent (Pageant Snow Date)
12/24: 5pm Candlelit Christmas Eve Family Service
11pm Candlelit Christmas Eve Communion Service
12/29: 10am First Sunday of Christmas
1/5: 10am Epiphany of the Lord- Celebrate the arrival of the magi