Dear friends in Christ,
I hope you’re all managing to stay cool during this heat wave. I have a few things to highlight this week:
Worship this Sunday
As cases continue to fall in the state, we’re working to phase back in aspects of worship from before COVID. This week, we’re resuming having liturgists, so you can all hear someone talk who isn’t me! (But on a theological level, this is one way we show that worship is something done by all of us rather than just the minister.) We’re also resuming deacons serving communion to the congregation in the pews. Though, we will still be using the prepackaged communion kits we’ve been using since the spring. Additionally, we’re resuming having outdoor coffee hour this week (weather permitting.)
Summer Worship Plans
Just as a reminder, worship this summer will remain at 10am , and both July and August will be here at MCC.
Tech Volunteers
John D and Chris D have been running our livestream and updating our tech throughout the pandemic so we could continue to improve our online worship. Now that we’re back inside, they’re looking for people who would like to join the team so we can always have coverage every Sunday and also be able to stream out other services like funerals/memorial services and weddings. You don’t need to be a computer expert; you just need to be able to follow directions. If you (or your kids) are interested in learning how to run the livestream, contact John D.
Share the Care Helpers Wanted
One of the ministries of our church is providing meals to members and friends going through a difficult time or a transition (e.g. new baby, etc.) If you would be interested in being on the volunteer list of people who cook or bake, please contact the Church Office. We can always use more hands to help share the care in our community.
Renovation Updates
I’ve attached a couple pictures of the almost done kitchen. We’re still waiting on some tile work, electrical work, and some decorative touches before things are 100% done. But we’re almost there!
Now that Bob and Bill’s work on the kitchen is done, they’ve moved on to painting the parsonage garage. They’ve gotten a lot done, and I’ve attached a picture of the progress there.
General Comments
With 4th of July fast approaching, I thought I’d share one of my favorite prayers for our nation that I’ve found. It’s from the old Congregational Church book of worship that was published in the 1940s. It doesn’t quite square with present day views of American history, and it’s got some flaws. But, what I appreciate about the prayer is I feel it captures the hope of America well. It’s been a rough number of months for our country, and sometimes it’s nice to be reminded of the hope and dream that brought so many people here in the first place.:
“God of our fathers, who didst lead thine ancient people through desert wanderings into the promised land, and who didst guide our Pilgrim sires across the stormy seas to lay here the foundations of this great republic; we implore thy blessing upon those who have lately come from other lands to make their home in this country. Amid strange faces and unaccustomed scenes may they feel that thou art with them. In their loneliness and homesickness may they realize that the everlasting Friend is beside them, upon whom they may cast all the burden of care and anxiety. Help those about them to give them sympathy and good cheer in the spirit of Christ. May they prosper in this land of freedom and justice and opportunity, and become loyal and devoted citizens of this country of their adoption. May they be faithful followers of Christ, that they may be also fellow-citizens with the saints in that liberty where-with Christ maketh his people free. Amen.”
Pastor Katrina