“No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome in the United Church of Christ.”
So many questions!

First-time visitors to any church are often nervous. How do I dress? Where do I go? What kind of people will I meet? Will I do and say the right thing at the right time?
We want you to feel at home and comfortable in God’s house, so here are some answers to FAQs by visitors. First, we invite you to see some of our services on our YouTube channel to get an idea what our worship services are like. The order of worship is pretty much the same from week to week, with Communion served on the first Sunday of each month.
To mask or not to mask? As of March 27th masks will be optional for worship. The balcony will be open for people who prefer to have some more space, and the pews in the center towards the front of the church are also available for more socially distance seating as well. Should conditions worsen in our community, we will update our procedures as appropriate.
How should I dress? However you feel comfortable meeting people in public. Many of our members still wear their “Sunday best” suits and dresses, while others wear T-shirts and shorts in season. If you’d wear it to work or school, you can probably wear it to worship.
Where do I go? The main entrances to the sanctuary for Sunday worship are in the front of the building, facing the Green. Parking is behind the church, in the Town Hall lot, or along the street. The entrance to the church office, opposite the playground, is accessible and has an elevator to the sanctuary. Ring the bell and we’ll show you upstairs!
Who will I meet? Ushers and greeters in the main entrance and the narthex will greet you, answer any questions you may have, and give you a bulletin with the order of worship. The Congregational Crier, included with the bulletin, has announcements and notes for guests.
Standing, sitting, and all that. We remain seated for most of the service. (Although you’re welcome to come and go as you wish.) Communion is served at our seats. We usually stand to sing hymns, the Doxology, the Gloria Patri, Prayer of Dedication, Benediction and Benediction Response or as prompted by the pastor or a deacon for welcoming new members, sharing our covenant or other special occasions. These, and any responsive readings, will be marked in the bulletin.
Communion is our sacrament of sharing the elements—bread and wine—with other Christians in remembrance of the body and blood that Christ sacrificed for us. (In our sanctuary, we serve grape juice and offer a gluten-free bread alternative.) Communion is open to anyone who believes in the sacrament and wishes to join in. In person, deacons serve the elements separately to us in the pews, and we consume the bread and wine (grape Juice) together. When we worship remotely, we provide our own bread and wine or grape juice and consume them when instructed by the pastor.
After the service. After the benediction, please remain seated for the postlude and appreciate God’s gift of music. Then join us for refreshments in the social hall or on the lawn afterward. We’re looking forward to greeting you!