9/1: Outdoor Worship 10am (weather permitting)
- Worship this Sunday will be in our outdoor chapel next to the parking lot unless it’s raining and then we’ll be inside. Consider bringing a chair or something to help shade the sun.
- We will have a more informal service with some camp songs, but we’ll also have a short sermon and communion
9/8: Homecoming Sunday & Picnic 10am
- Join us as we kick off the 2024-2025 program year!
- Flood Relief Collection: On Homecoming Sunday, we will be taking a collection to support those affected by the recent floods. Money will be split between TEAM helping in the Valley/Oxford and the Southbury Needy Fund helping in Southbury
- Sunday School Resumes: Sunday School resumes on 9/8. The kids will be putting together thank you bags for our first responders.
- Picnic: The picnic will follow worship, and food is provided. Our menu is shrimp and lobster rolls, hot dogs, and corn chowder
- All Church Photo: We’ll take our annual church photo on the front steps after worship
9/28: Afternoon Tea 1:30-3:30 in the Church Social Hall
- Bring a memory or story to share
- We’ll provide tea sandwiches, scones, sweets, and of course, tea!