Midweek Update: 14th Sunday After Pentecost

Dear friends in Christ,

I hope you’re all doing well and managing to stay cool this week. I’m glad to be back home from vacation and back with all of you this week. I have a few things to highlight:

Confirmation Class

We’re having a confirmation class starting this fall for 8th graders and high schoolers. If your child would like to participate and you’ve not already been in contact with me, please get in touch ASAP so your child can be part of the class. I’m also going to need volunteers to be the second adult in the room during classes so we can be following good safe church procedures. (You’ll also probably learn a few things too!) If you’re interested in helping out, please let me know.


As I’m sure you all know, the Delta variant has caused cases in our state and town to rise. I just want to encourage all of you to get vaccinated if you haven’t already and also to be careful. Our church leadership is continuing to monitor the situation, but for now we’re going to stay the course with our current precautions for in person activities. So, we’ll continue to require masks for everyone for indoor worship. If you want to join us at home, we will also continue to livestream worship to our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/c/middleburycongregationalchurch  

General Comments

I had a lovely time off, and I want to thank our volunteers and staff who kept everything going while I was out. I preached at my friend’s installation in upstate NY and spent some time with him and his family. (I’ve attached a picture of the church.) I was also able to visit my college friend and her spouse in Georgia where she’s an Old Testament PhD student at Emory University. (I’ve attached a picture of the Candler School of Theology at Emory.)

I returned to the office on Tuesday. I received a lot of emails in the past few weeks, and I’m working my way through all of them as best I can. Please be  in contact with me about any pastoral concerns that have come up while I’ve been away.

I’m looking forward to seeing many of you on Sunday!


Pastor Katrina

Welcome to our new web page!

You may have noticed a new look to our www.middleburyucc.org website. Our new platform and software will feature photos and videos that show and tell more about Middlebury Congregational Church, our people, and what we do as a faith community.

Our home page offers the latest news and updates in a blog format, along with a calendar of events and other information you’ll want and need, whether you’ve been a member all your life or are just learning about us. Please feel free to poke around, learn more about us, and stop by sometime for worship and fellowship!

The site is still under development as we learn more about the tools and how to use them. One of the new features that is coming is the Members Login link. This fall, we are introducing the Breeze church software system. Breeze will allow our members to use a current online directory, control their own contact information, text and email one another, and more. We’ll invite members and friends to sign up when when Breeze is fully online.

Meanwhile, thanks for checking us out. Please feel free to share your questions and comments using the “Leave a Reply” link for comments at the bottom of this post.


Howard Fielding
MCC Board of Trustees