Upcoming Dates and Events @ MCC
Dear friends in Christ,
I hope you’re all doing well and staying warm this week. We have a number of events coming up as we approach Lent that I wanted to make sure you’re all aware of:
- 1/21: 2024 Budget Info Meeting
- After worship this Sunday in the sanctuary we will be having an informational meeting about the proposed 2024 church budget. There will be a presentation of the budget and an opportunity to ask questions. Childcare will be available during the budget info meeting.
- Diane and Jacki will be sharing their love and family culture by introducing us to some of the typical breakfast foods of Puerto Rico. You are invited to sample some Crema de Farina, Quesitos, Pan de Agua, Pan Sabao, Guava and Apple turnovers, assorted rosquillas, Empanadas de pollo y pernil, and imported cafe con leche. Diane and Jacki will be downstairs to answer your questions and share a story. All are welcome!
- We invite you to share your own stories and favorite food traditions on any Sunday you would like. Just let the office (office@middleburyucc.org), Katrina (kmanzi@middleburyucc.org) or Ellen (spirit2000@aol.com) know in advance and we will schedule a time that is convenient for you. We will also help set up the table, coffee and juice on any Sunday you choose. Let’s start a new tradition by getting to know a little bit about who we are and what we love!
- 1/28 Annual Meeting after worship in the sanctuary
- The annual meeting of the Middlebury Congregational Church will take place on Sunday 1/28 after worship in the sanctuary. The purpose of this meeting is to approve the 2024 budget, receive the annual report, and elect board members and officers. Childcare will be available during the Annual Meeting
- 1/28 Post Annual Meeting Potluck
- After the Annual Meeting, we are resuming our tradition of having a potluck! A sign up sheet for what is being brought is posted on the bulletin board outside the social hall/kitchen.
- After the Annual Meeting, we are resuming our tradition of having a potluck! A sign up sheet for what is being brought is posted on the bulletin board outside the social hall/kitchen.
- 2/10 Red Cross Blood Drive in MCC Social Hall
- We are resuming our practice of hosting a blood drive thanks to the efforts of our Mission Board. We are looking for volunteers to staff the snack table and for volunteers to bake some goodies to share with people who donate. Sign up sheets for both those things are on the bulletin board outside the social hall/kitchen.
- We are resuming our practice of hosting a blood drive thanks to the efforts of our Mission Board. We are looking for volunteers to staff the snack table and for volunteers to bake some goodies to share with people who donate. Sign up sheets for both those things are on the bulletin board outside the social hall/kitchen.
- 2/11 Souper Bowl Sunday & Scout Sunday
During worship we will be joined by scouts and leaders from our BSA troops, Troops 5&6, plus any MCC friends and members involved in BSA Scouting are welcome to come in uniform! - After worship, we will be selling soup! An exciting addition this year is we will also be offering tasting samples so you can try before you buy! If you have a soup you’d like to donate for the fundraiser, there is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board outside the social hall/kitchen.
- 2/13 Jumpin’ Jambalaya Dinner 5pm-6:30pm in the MCC Social Hall, Dine in or Takeout
- This Fat Tuesday/Shrove Tuesday join us for jambalaya! $9 a bowl!Advanced orders are recommended! You can send your order to the church office (office@middleburyucc.org) or to Ellen (spirit2000@aol.com)
- 2/14 Ash Wednesday Service 7pm at the First Congregational Church of Watertown
- The First Congregational Church of Watertown has again invited us to join with them for Ash Wednesday. Last year we hosted, and their pastor, the Rev. Dr. Cynthia Carr preached. This year, Watertown is hosting, and I will be preaching.
Thank you to all our volunteers and staff who make everything we do possible!
Pastor Katrina