-10/1-10/15 Preschool on the Green fundraiser orders being taken
-10/4 5:30pm: 1st Youth Group meeting in Social Hall to assemble care packages for Carolyn’s Place
-10/4 6:30pm: Church Campfire Night, Parsonage Yard (bring a lawn chair/ additional portable fire pits welcome)
-10/6: 10am Outdoor Worship World Communion Sunday (weather permitting), Outdoor Chapel next to church parking lot. Consider bringing a lawn chair
-10/13 10am worship: Guest Preacher, the Rev. David Camphouse, Director of Silver Lake Camp and Retreat Center
-10/18 6pm: Movie Night in Social Hall showing “Coco”
-10/27 10am Reformation Sunday Worship (worship will include prayers/liturgy written by Protestant reformers)
-10/27 11:30am Open & Affirming Panel in Church Social Hall
-11/1 5pm-7pm Fall Dinner in the Social Hall