Dear friends in Christ,
I hope you’re all doing well and that everyone survived the great storm yesterday afternoon. As we look towards fall, we have a few things coming up:
Homecoming Sunday: 9/11
On Sunday 9/11, we’ll kick off the church program year. Sunday school will resume, we’ll take the all church photo, and we’ll have a picnic with some fun activities! Mark your calendars!

New Members/Church Info Meeting: 9/18
We’re planning on receiving new members this fall. If you are interested in joining the church or want to learn more, we’re planning an information meeting after worship on 9/18. Let me know if you’re coming! If you’re interested in joining the church and cannot make that meeting, please also be in touch with me ( so we can make things work.

Prayers for the Death of a Pet
I was looking for a back to school prayer (I did find one that I’ve attached), and I stumbled across a couple prayers for the death of a pet. As some of you know, my 16 year old cat, Boots, died last month, so pets have been on my mind. I thought I’d share the prayers with you all as I know we’ve got a lot of pet owners in the church.
This one is particularly for when there are children:
“Dear God, we know that you love us and all creatures, large and small. We know that you love (pet name) too. We thank you for the time we shared, the fun we had, and for the good memories we will always remember. We ask you to take care of (pet name) now, and to take care of us in this time of sadness. Amen.”
General prayer for the death of a pet:
“Loving God, you created us and all living beings for beauty, for happiness, for one another. With all our hearts, we thank you God.
For all life that comes from you; the growth in the garden, the pets who are our friends; the people whom we love; with all our hearts, we thank you God.
For all the delight we have known in (name of pet) in times of play, through moments of anxiety, and in the companionship of passing years; with all our hearts, we thank you God.
O God, smile on our hearts, saddened by the loss of our beloved (pet) who inspired in us a love for your creatures. Praise to you, O God, for the gift of life and for the love of (name of pet); with all our hearts, we thank you God. Amen.”
General Comments
I know Region 15 begins classes next week, and I know many of you have kids who have already gone back to college. Parents, teachers, students, and school staff are all in my prayers as this school year begins and new things happen.

For worship this week, we’ll be continuing on in the story of Moses. This week we’ll see what happens with him once he grows up and how he ends up leaving Egypt before being sent back by God to set the Israelites free.
I hope to see you Sunday.
Pastor Katrina