Dear friends in Christ,
I hope you’re all doing well. There are a few things to highlight this week:
Mission School Supplies Update
The school supplies have all been picked up by Wellmore. In total we collected: 18 backpacks, 20 three ring binders, 15 packages of paper, 20 spiral notebooks, 17 composition notebooks, 8 planners, 314 pencils, 7 packages of erasers, 15 pencil sharpeners, 18 pencil cases, 130 pens, 22 boxes of crayons, 21 rulers, 48 glue sticks, 8 boxes of markers, 54 folders, 10 packages of index cards, and 4 packages of glue.
Thank you to everyone who donated!
Videos and Pictures from Outdoor Worship 8/14
We had a beautiful morning for worship this past Sunday. I’ve attached a picture. Also, Emma A. offered a wonderful song she wrote, and video of that can be found here:
Thank you to our volunteers who helped spruce up the chapel ahead of the service!

Homecoming Sunday: 9/11
On Sunday 9/11, we’ll kick off the church program year. Sunday school will resume, we’ll take the all church photo, and we’ll have a picnic with some fun activities! Mark your calendars!
New Members/Church Info Meeting: 9/18
We’re planning on receiving new members this fall. If you are interested in joining the church or want to learn more, we’re planning an information meeting after worship on 9/18. Let me know if you’re coming! If you’re interested in joining the church and cannot make that meeting, please also be in touch with me ( so we can make things work.
General Comments
This Sunday we’re continuing the sermon series on the beginning of the book of Exodus. This week we’ll be looking at the story of the birth of Moses and the women who helped ensure his survival.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Katrina