Our Beliefs & Governance

The covenants and faith statements of our church are found in our Constitution

Church Covenant

We covenant with God and with one another
In mutual love and trust:
                                    To worship God together
                                    To study and respond to God’s Holy Word
To witness in all the world to God’s reconciling love
To strive for love, justice, and peace
And to walk together in the ways of the Lord.
                        We rely on the Holy Spirit to lead and empower us.
We acknowledge God’s covenant with us, made known to us in Jesus Christ.
We recognize our continuing need for God’s grace,
and our dependence on each other in the  fulfillment of this covenant.
Covenant adopted by the Congregation April 1994

Open and Affirming Covenant

The Middlebury Congregational Church welcomes all who choose to seek to share the Good News of God’s love for us, and we proclaim ourselves to be an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ. We welcome all persons of all sexual orientations, gender expressions, socioeconomic status, family configurations, ages, national origins, races, physical, cognitive, and medical ability, and religious background.  We celebrate God’s inclusive welcome, where all are encouraged to work together, in mission and in service, to participate fully in the ministry, worship, leadership, fellowship, sacraments, responsibilities, joys, and blessings in our church.  We embrace all people at any point in their faith journey and affirm each person’s freedom to pursue God’s unique calling. As Christians, we commit ourselves to the ongoing work of being an Open and Affirming congregation, continuing to strive for love, justice, and peace.  No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at Middlebury Congregational Church.
-adopted by the congregation February 23, 2025

Our church governance is outlined in our Bylaws:


The Church Council consists of those Church members holding the offices of: Church Council Chair, Board of Deacons Chair; Board of Faith Formation Chair, Board of Missions Chair; Board of Trustees Chair, Board of Stewardship Chair, Church Clerk, together with two members-at-large elected at the annual meeting from the members of the Church, and the Senior Minister and any Associate or Assistant Minister.

The Church Council is the collaborative body responsible for reviews, discussions and decisions on Church matters as a whole. It makes a recommendation to the members on all matters specifically requiring a vote of the Church under the Church constitution or the bylaws. It shall also provide direction to the various Boards, Committees and delegates and act on behalf of the congregation to facilitate the Church’s mission.

The Church Council also oversees committees to coordinate certain programs. Standing committees include Personnel and Nominating, which are elected at the annual meeting, and Pastoral Relations, which is appointed. Ad-hoc committees have also been appointed for Community Outreach and Member Relations, and to implement a new Church Management Software system.


The Board of Deacons, together with the Pastor, are responsible for providing meaningful worship that glorifies God and celebrates His gifts to all His people. The Board of Deacons assists the Clergy in worship service, including the preparation and administration of the Sacraments, in visiting and caring for the poor, the sick, the sorrowing, and strangers, and in calling upon new members, in introducing new families into the life of the Church, and in ministering to the spiritual interest of the Church and the community.

The Music Committee oversees the music program and reports to the Diaconate as part of its worship responsibilities.


The Board of Trustees is responsible for the proper management of the Church’s assets to enable the fulfillment of the Church’s mission. The Board of Trustees, subject to the authority of the Church, holds in trust all its property, and has general charge of its business and financial affairs. The Board of Trustees has supervision of all invested funds of the Church and has authority to invest, reinvest, or sell any invested funds, including such funds as may be held in trust.

The Properties Committee is responsible for maintenance of the buildings and grounds and reports to the Board of Trustees.


The Board of Faith Formation is responsible for providing growth in individual Christian Discipleship through work and study to all ages with challenging work and educational programs. It maintains and operates the Sunday School (Sunday school) for children, adult education programs. In addition, it has oversight of bringing young persons into the fellowship of the Church through training, instruction in Christian ethics and morality and the Pilgrim Fellowship.


The Board of Missions provides outlets for the congregation to give service to the surrounding community and the wider world, reaching out and extending the Church’s ministry with fellowship that strengthens the bonds of compassion and concern. It interprets our Church’s mission as it is shaped by our stewardship decisions and seeks to educate the Church community in mission philosophy and activity. It remains responsive to the Church’s concerns as it attempts to shape and raise Church awareness for our call to discipleship.


The Board of Stewardship is responsible for the Pledge Campaign, Special Events, and Scholarship Grants, and may appoint such special committees as may be necessary or useful to carry out these responsibilities.