Middlebury Congregational Church is grateful to its members, friends, and community who give their time, talents, and treasure to continue our mission in Middlebury, Connecticut, and the world.
If you are moved to make a contribution, thank you! Your generosity helps us continue our mission to our faith community and to our neighbors in need through food banks in Middlebury and Waterbury (Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries).
If you are a member or friend with a Breeze account, please login here for easy access to your pledging and giving tools and the church directory.
To give by electronic payment from a credit card, debit card, or checking or savings account, please click here and follow instructions on the page, or use the form below. You may also schedule your regular giving to meet your budget. If your gift is for something other than a pledge, please email office@middleburyucc.org so it can be directed according to your wishes.
If you wish to receive a receipt for your records, please email office@middleburyucc.org.
To give by text, text “give” or the amount to (203) 590-8667 and follow the instructions to set up a credit card payment or cash transfer.
To give by check, please make the check payable to Middlebury Congregational Church. You may mail or deliver it to the church office, attention Diane Barnard, at
Middlebury Congregational Church
1242 Whittemore Rd.
Middlebury CT 06762
If this is a memorial contribution or for a designated purpose, please include a note explaining how you wish the donation to be used.
If you give through Vanco, you can access your account here. Please consider moving your online giving to the Breeze platform for easier control through your member login.
Where does my gift go?
The General Fund: Your monthly pledge or donation is essential to the operation of the church. Without it we can’t fulfill our mission statement.
You may also give to funds designated for special purposes. These offer opportunities to honor a loved one, celebrate a special occasion, or address a specific need.
Book of Remembrance: You may make a donation to the Book of Remembrance in memory of a loved one. This donation will go toward the beautification of the church or to a special need not covered by the yearly budget. For example, Book of Remembrance gifts were used to upgrade our audio-video systems to improve our ministry to those stuck at home during the pandemic.
Charles P. Luckey Jr. Scholarship Fund: As tuition and related costs have increased dramatically in the past few years, it has become more difficult for many students to finance their education. We are pleased to continue the memory of the Rev. Charles Luckey and his efforts to help students and members of the Middlebury Congregational Church further their education.
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund: During this economic downturn there are more people in our community in extreme need. As these needs become apparent to the pastor, she uses the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund to help in an emergency on a one-to-one basis.
Flower Fund: Each Sunday our flower volunteers beautifully arrange flowers to brighten the church. Your donation to the flower fund will enable them to continue to do this.
Third Century Fund: This fund is used to make major improvements and repairs to the church. In recent years, this fund has been used to install new energy efficient windows in the entire church building and to repaint the building inside and out. As we use this fund for improvements it also has to be replenished to be there for the future.
Special Recognition or Tribute: We now have a way for you to make a donation and recognize a special event or loved one. It’s easy! Send your request to the church office by mail or email. The information we need is what the recognition is (in memory of someone, a thank you, congratulations, happy birthday or anniversary etc.), who it is from and a note if you wish. Your tribute will be published in that week’s Sunday newsletter and in that month’s Church Life.
However or whatever you choose to give to Middlebury Congregational Church, we appreciate your contribution and will put it to good use Doing God’s Work. Thank you!