February @ MCC
2/2: Guest Preacher: The Rev. Matt McCaffrey
2/9: Scout Sunday
- We will be joined by Scouts from the scout Troops MCC charters and MCC scouts from other troops
Ark/Activities Room Dedication
- We will recognize Stephen G, who renovated the Ark between Christmas and New Years as his Eagle Scout Project, and rededicate the room
Souper Bowl Sunday
- The Mission Board will be selling soup after worship for $5 a container. If you’d like to make soup, there is a sign up on the bulletin board outside the church kitchen. The church has containers for the soup.
2/14: 6pm-8:30pm MCC Parents Night Out
2/15: 8am-1:30pm American Red Cross Blood Drive, Social Hall
2/23: Special Congregational Meeting after worship to vote on adopting an Open and Affirming covenant