When a church is older than the town, church and community grow up together. Here are some of the things we do together with and for our neighbors:
Scouting programs

Middlebury Congregational Church is proud of its more than 50 years serving as the charter organization for BSA Troop 5 (boys) and new Troop 6 (girls). These troops now count more than 110 Eagle Scouts in Troop 5, and four girls from Troop 6 have completed the Eagle requirements as well.
Through Souting, these young people reach out in community service and learn to become future leaders.

MCC is also home to Girl Scout troops of all ages who have met at our church over the years.

Feeding the hungry
Middlebury Social Services
Middlebury Congregational Church works with and through the town’s Social Services department to provide holiday meal baskets to disadvantaged families at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.
MCC members also contribute fresh fruit and veggies to the Middlebury Food Bank through the Social Services office.

Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries (GWIM)
Middlebury Congregational Church supports the Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries, Inc., which provides a Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry to its friends and neighbors in need of assistance. GWIM provides nearly 500,000 meals annually. GWIM is a non-demoninational 501c-3 non profit organization.
GWIM’s mission is to feed the hungry in a respectful and dignified manner; to empower the homeless and underprivileged to become self-sufficient; to provide hope and opportunity to those in need.
MCC helps stock the food pantry throughout the year. We also donate gently used clothing for the homeless and conduct a Mother’s Day diaper drive. On Veterans’ Day we prepared and served 200 sandwiches for the soup kitchen so GWIM workers could appreciate the holiday.

Helping families in need
Wellmore Behavioral Health
Middlebury Congregational Church works through Wellmore Behavioral Health to provide back-to-school supplies and Christmas presents to at-risk children and youth. In 2022 we renewed our Covenant to Care agreement to support a social services worker through Wellmore.

In 2022 we collected: 18 backpacks, 20 three ring binders, 15 packages of paper, 20 spiral notebooks, 17 composition notebooks, 8 planners, 314 pencils, 7 packages of erasers, 15 pencil sharpeners, 18 pencil cases, 130 pens, 22 boxes of crayons, 21 rulers, 48 glue sticks, 8 boxes of markers, 54 folders, 10 packages of index cards, and 4 packages of glue.
At Christmas, we provided gifts for 60 children through our Star Tree project.

Alcoholics Anonymous
As a service to the broader community, Middlebury Congregational Church provides meeting space to four AA groups, which meet weekly or alternate weeks in our public meeting space. See our What’s Happening page for the calendar.