It is the summer as I remember it and I love it. I’ll take weather like this all year. Please get out this weekend and enjoy it.
Also, please join us for Strawberry Shortcake on the Go! We will be selling our town famous Strawberry shortcake on Sunday from 5:00pm until 7:30pm or as long as it lasts. So far we have requests for 8 shortcakes. If you would like to preorder you may email me UNTIL 6:00pm tomorrow. I will come in then to run the pre-signup sheets. I missed it so much last year. I just can’t seem to replicate it at home. Just like when you eat out it always tastes better when someone else makes it. If there is anyone who would like to help us hull strawberries on Sunday we will be hulling on the stage following the service on Sunday. Join us!
The bulletin and Crier are attached if you are joining us on the live stream.
I hope you’re all doing well and staying cool with all this hot weather. I have a few things to highlight for this week:
Indoor Worship 6/13 @10am
We are back indoors for worship every week with masks and social distancing. We’re asking people attending in person to sign up ahead of time or at the door. You can sign up online or by contacting the church office. This week is our last week of Sunday School, but nursery care will continue through the whole summer. We will of course continue to live-stream.
Strawberry Shortcake on the Go! 6/13 from 5-7:30pm
This Sunday from 5-7:30, we’re going to have strawberry shortcake! Each serving is $7, and you’re welcome to take it home or bring a chair and enjoy it on the green. I’ve attached a poster, and the link to the Facebook event to help get the word out is here.
I’m looking forward to seeing many of you and enjoying some strawberries! Thank you to Janine SW and Ellen A for heading things up!
IShare the Care Helpers Wanted
One of the ministries of our church is providing meals to members and friends going through a difficult time or a transition (e.g. new baby, etc.) If you would be interested in being on the volunteer list of people who cook or bake, please contact the Church Office. We can always use more hands to help share the care in our community.
General Comments
It was lovely to see many of you this past Sunday for worship or for the picnic. I forgot to take pictures at the picnic, but Valerie got some pictures of outdoor Sunday school and Ben E. receiving the Charles P. Luckey Scholarship. Congrats to Ben! I’ve attached those along with a picture of a lovely sunset from last week.
I know it’s still technically spring, but the weather these past days and looking out at the green has me thinking of the hymn “The Summer Days Are Come Again.” Part of the first verse goes like this:
The summer days are come again;
Once more the glad earth yields
Her golden wealth of ripening grain,
And breath of clover fields,
And deepening shade of summer woods
And glow of summer air.