Click HERE to donate to UCC relief for the Turkey-Syria earthquake.

Our Outdoor Chapel is back!

I am happy to report that the renovation of our outdoor chapel has been completed by Eagle Scout candidate Scott Dean and his fellow Scouts from Troop 5, MCC’s chartered Boy Scout troop.  

The benches, lectern and cross were replaced with new, pressure-treated wood, solar–powered ground lights were installed to illuminate the cross at night, and planter boxes were added that will enable us to beautify the chapel area with flowers and other plantings. I have attached some photos.

The work was performed at no cost to MCC, which is typical for an Eagle Scout project. Scott has been fundraising to cover the cost of the building materials, which was around $750.

Please consider making a contribution of any amount to help the church contribute to the cost of materials.  Any excess funds will be used to maintain the outdoor chapel.

For a fast, secure online donation, click here. If you prefer, checks can be made payable to MCC; note “Outdoor Chapel” on the memo line.

Thank you all in advance for your generosity.

— Sal SenaChair, Board of Trustees
Middlebury Congregational Church

How to help UCC disaster relief in Hawaii

The Hawaii Conference and Wider Church Ministries of the United Church of Christ have both issued appeals to support those impacted by wildfires across Hawaii, including the Maui fire which took more than 100 lives and is being called one of the deadliest US wildfires in the past 100 years.

Contributions made through the UCC Disaster Ministries network will focus on bridging the gaps between the assistance offered by first-time responders and community revitalization.

Donations can be made to the national appeal here:

The Hawaii Conference used existing disaster relief funds to issue aid for gas, clothes, toiletries and other immediate aid, according to their website. The Conference has also established the Hawaii 2023 Wildfires Relief Fund, which will both continue to issue immediate aid and be used for long-term recovery. 

Updates from the Hawaii Conference can be found on their website here.

Contributions to the Hawaii Conference relief fund can be made here.

— – Rev. Dr. James D. Ross II, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Southern New England UCC