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Midweek Update: 2nd Sunday After Pentecost

Dear friends in Christ,

I hope you’re all doing well this week. I wanted to make sure you’re all aware the worship on Sundays is going to remain at 10am. Additionally, Sunday School is on recess for the summer months. There is still nursery care available for children 6 and under. In addition to that, there are a few upcoming things:

Sundaes on Sunday is Back: June 19th and June 26th

Sundaes on Sunday returns this summer for a limited time only on June 19th and 26th from 5:30-7 at the church. Sundaes are $3. I’ve attached the flyer for more details. Sundaes on Sunday is a wonderful time for fellowship and some great homemade salted caramel sauce and hot fudge! I’m looking forward to getting my ice cream this Sunday.

Celebration Sunday: Thank You!

I want to thank Greg and Kelly E. and our other volunteers who did the legwork and setup/cleanup for our (indoor) picnic last Sunday. Everything went really well, and it was wonderful to have a meal all together.

And, as I said on Sunday, thank you again to all our volunteers who make this community of faith what it is through all the time, talent, and treasure you put in.

Additionally, the music was particularly lovely on Sunday.

Cherub Choir anthem can be found here:

Trio (Audrey, Anna, and Emma) is here:

Adult Choir:

Strawberry Festival Update

The initial calculations have been done, and Strawberry Festival has raised at least $1319.45. I know we sold some more biscuits and strawberries this past Sunday, so the final total is a bit more than that. Thank you again for everyone who volunteered and who bought shortcake. It was wonderful evening.

General Comments

On Friday evening, there was a lovely sunset, and I’ve attached a picture of that.

This Summer for worship, I’m doing a sermon series on Joseph from the book of Genesis. The Joseph story is one of my favorite parts of scripture because I played in the pit orchestra when my high school did a production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” So, the story always brings up a lot of fond memories of that show. Plus, I’m fairly certain I’ve still got nearly all the lyrics to the show memorized after listening to the CD so much to help learn my part. This Sunday we’re going to be looking at the sibling rivalry between Joseph and his brothers. And if you’re in a musical mood, this is the song from the musical that covers the lesson we’ll be reading: (I’m pretty sure this is the cast/orchestration that was on the bootleg CD the pit and cast were given in high school to learn our parts.)

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.


Pastor Katrina

Midweek Update: Trinity and Celebration Sunday

Dear friends in Christ,

I hope you’re all doing well this lovely day. We have a number of things coming up in the life of the church:

Upcoming Memorial Service

John Spain: Saturday, 6/11 at 10am in the sanctuary. Reception in the Social Hall.

Vacation Bible School Registration Deadline: June 10th

Vacation Bible School is June 27th through July 1st. It’s open to grades K-5. Registration can be found here:

For more information contact our Faith Formation Coordinator Valerie Beard:

Celebration Sunday & Picnic: June 12th

This Sunday is Celebration Sunday! Join us for worship as we celebrate some of the joys of this past program year together. We will have some special music, present bibles to our church school students, and give thanks for everyone’s good work this past year. Following worship, a picnic lunch will be provided.

Sundaes on Sunday is Back: June 19th and June 26th

Sundaes on Sunday returns this summer for a limited time only on June 19th and 26th from 5:30-7 at the church. Sundaes are $3. I’ve attached the flyer for more details. Sundaes on Sunday is a wonderful time for fellowship and some great homemade salted caramel sauce and hot fudge!

Strawberry Festival: Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who volunteered and who bought strawberry shortcake this past Sunday! It was a lovely evening with lovely people. I’ve attached some pictures mostly by Janine SW. And a special thank you to Janine for being our festival chair this year! We do have some cream, biscuits, and strawberries left, and those will be available for purchase this Sunday.

Once we’ve finished adding everything up and subtracting out our costs, we’ll let everyone know what we made. Thank you again to everyone!

Congratulations to Our New Members!

Congratulations to Thomas, Emma, and Emily on joining the church this past Pentecost Sunday. I’ve attached some photos from the service that Valerie B shared. Thank you to the deacons and other volunteers who helped with classes this past program year!

General Comments

 If any of you have pictures from Strawberry Festival or Pentecost worship to share, please send them along!

As this Sunday, in addition to being Celebration Sunday, is Trinity Sunday, I wanted to share this Trinity prayer/poem by David Adam with all of you:

“The Trinity
Protecting me
The Father be
Over me
The Saviour be
Under me
The Spirit be
About me
The Holy Three
Defending me
As evening comes
Bless my home
Holy Three
Watching me
As shadows fall
Hear my call
Sacred Three
Encircle me
So may it be
Amen to Thee
Holy Three
About me”


Pastor Katrina