Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing well on this beautiful day. Things here are kind of strange these days as we finally are opening up and slowing down at the same time. We are now open for inside worship but things are settling down for the hot days of summer where attendance is low due to people going on vacation, working in their gardens or just enjoying the outdoors. Summer is a quiet time for us here at MCC. On that note don’t forget that my summer office hours are 9:00 to 12:00 starting on Monday and going through mid-June.
It was so good to be able to participate in the “mini” Strawberry Festival last Sunday. It wasn’t as fun, since I didn’t get to see everyone, but oh I do love the strawberry shortcake. There were just enough strawberries left over that I got to have strawberries for breakfast right through Wednesday. Alas, they are all gone now. I can prepare more but they never taste the same. I guess it’s all those interesting stories that are told while people hull the strawberries. It gives them quite a spicy flavor! I have faith that next year will be back to normal and involve more of you and the Middlebury community.
This Saturday at 11:00 is John Somero’s Memorial Service. It will be on the town green which I think that John would have liked. He did like to spend time outside playing basketball and golf. I hope the day will be as beautiful as today. He deserves it. I’ll really miss John. He was a very special person. I never heard a negative work from him. He was always smiling and he had a calming effect on everyone he spoke to. The pew where he sat on Sundays will always look a bit bare, like something is missing. But there will always be a place for him there. Bring your comfy chair and join us to celebrate his life and say goodbye.
Attached is the bulletin for Sunday. Have a wonderful weekend.
Take care and stay safe,