Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing well on this fabulous day. I really wish I were outside though but I love being here in the office too.

Here are the Bulletin and Crier for following along on Sunday’s virtual service:
This week feels like an ending and a beginning. We end our quarantine, that is, being delegated to being outside for in person services. I do admit that I will miss them. There is something about sitting in a camp chair enjoying the fresh air and nature that is very uplifting in addition to Katrina’s words and Dave’s and Donna’s music.
Returning inside marks a new beginning for us, almost a homecoming. The church is being spruced up and soon things will be back to normal. Or, at least a new kind of normal. Nothing will be the same as it was before the shutdown. But we will adjust because that’s what we do. Changes are a part of life. We don’t like them but they are necessary to exist.
Below are a few pictures of how the renovations are coming in the kitchen (I hope they come through ok). It will be a little while before it is fully done but we have the best doing it. With Bob W and Bill M doing the work we are assured it will last just as long or longer than the last renovation in there. Everything they have done in the building looks fabulous. They are true artists.

Good things are coming! Have a fabulous weekend. Take care and stay safe.
PS: Don’t forget to register for the service on Sunday. It’s confirmation this Sunday. Since I like to be as accurate as possible when I do the pre-registered list I will again come in Saturday evening to print the list but be advised if you register on Sunday you will not show up on the on-line registration list at all, ever!