December @ MCC

12/1:      10am First Sunday in Advent – Children will help light the Advent Wreath

                Hanging of the Greens, after worship

12/7:      4pm Middlebury Tree Lighting on the Green- MCC providing hot chocolate and selling candles and friendship soup; Cherub Choir is singing

                5pm Christmas Carol Sing in the Sanctuary

12/8:      10am Second Sunday of Advent

                11:30am Angels of Advent & Christmas: Advent Discussion Group

4pm: MCC Caroling- Meet at the church at 4pm for route distribution, carpooling, and info on the post caroling party

12/14:   9am Christmas Pageant Rehearsal: Sanctuary

                6pm: Christmas Movie Night

12/15:   10am MCC Christmas Pageant

12/21:   7pm Longest Night Service- A service of hope in midst of a season that can be stressful, bittersweet, and make us miss people dear to us.

12/22:   10am Fourth Sunday of Advent (Pageant Snow Date)

12/24:   5pm Candlelit Christmas Eve Family Service

                11pm Candlelit Christmas Eve Communion Service

12/29:   10am First Sunday of Christmas

1/5:        10am Epiphany of the Lord- Celebrate the arrival of the magi

November @ MCC

10/31: Halloween-I’ve got way too much candy at the parsonage for me to finish alone, so do come and trick or treat tomorrow!

11/1: 5-7pm Fall Dinner in the Social Hall

  • Tickets are $15 and available at the door. Come join us for a turkey dinner with all the fixings!

11/3: 10am All Saints’ Sunday

  • If you have the name of someone who has died that you would like lifted up during worship, please email me so I can add it to the list.

11/10: after worship, sandwich making for GWIM

  • GWIM’s kitchen staff have the day off on November 11th, so we are making sandwiches so the soup kitchen still has meals to hand out that day.

11/17: Guest Preacher, the Rev. Matthew McCaffrey

  • I will be at a continuing ed conference in Arizona for young, early career UCC clergy

11/24: 10am Thanksgiving & Consecration Sunday

  • We will have a special service giving thanks for the blessings of this past year, and we will be dedicating our pledges for 2025.

11/26: 7pm Middlebury Community Thanksgiving Service @ MCC

  • In the spirit of Ecumenical Thanksgiving services of past years, we’re teaming up with St. George’s to offer a Thanksgiving service for us and our community. The Rev. Sherry Hardwick Thomas from St. George’s Episcopal preaching. We should have a combined choir.  The offering from the service will be split between Middlebury Food Bank and TEAM for local flood relief.

12/1: 10am First Sunday of Advent

  • Children will be lighting the advent wreath during worship,
  • Hanging of the Greens after worship:  join us after worship to help get the meetinghouse ready for the Advent and Christmas seasons!